34. In view of the foregoing, pending conclusion of enquiry, in order to protect the interests of theinvestorsandtheintegrityofsecuritiesmarket,I,inexerciseofthepowersconferredupon me under Sections 11(1), 11(4), 11B(1) and 11D read with Section 19 of the SEBI Act and Regulation 35 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008 hereby direct by way of this interim ex-parte order, the following directions, which shall be in force until further orders:
34.1 Capitalaimanditspresentdirectors,namely,Mr.AbhijeetBajpaiandMr.AnantTiwariare directed:-
34.1.1 not to access the securities market and buy, sell or otherwise deal in securitiesor associatesthemselveswithsecuritiesmarket,directlyorindirectly,inanymanner whatsoever or on behalf of any of its clients through theiraccounts;
34.1.2 to cease and desist from acting as an investment advisor including the activity of acting and representing through any media (physical or digital) as aninvestment advisor, directly or indirectly, and cease to solicit or undertake such activity or any other activities in the securities market, directly or indirectly, in any matter whatsoever;
34.1.3 not to divert any funds raised from investors, kept in bank account(s) and/or in theircustody;
34.1.4 to provide a full inventory of all assets held in their name, whether movable or immovable, or any interest or investment or charge on any of such assets, including details of all bank accounts, demat accounts and mutual fund investments,immediatelybutnotlaterthan5workingdaysfromthedateofreceipt of thisorder;
34.1.5 not to dispose of or alienate any assets, whether movable or immovable, or any interestorinvestmentorchargeonanyofsuchassetsheldintheirname,including money lying in bank accounts except with the prior permission ofSEBI;
34.1.6 to immediately withdraw and remove all advertisements, representations, literatures, brochures, materials, publications, documents, communications etc., in digital mode or otherwise, in relation to its investment advisory activity or any other activity in the securitiesmarket;
34.1.7 to remove all contents from website immediately and display only the content in its website that SEBI has passed interim order dated February 08, 2021 reproducing the directions mentioned in paragraph 34 and submit copy of the relevantwebpagetoSEBIwithinfiveworkingdaysfromthedateofthereceiptof this order.
34.2 The past Directors of Capitalaim, viz., Mr. DebabrataBhattacharjee, Ms. SheetalFoujdarandMs.AbhilashaVerma,aredirectednottoaccessthesecuritiesmarketandbuy, sell or otherwise deal in securities or associates themselves with securities market,directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever.
34.3 If Capitalaim or its directors, both past and present, have any open position in any exchange traded derivative contracts, as on the date of the order, they can close out/ square off such open positions within 3 months from the date of order or at the expiry of such contracts, whichever is earlier. Capitalaim or its directors, both past and present, are permitted to settle the pay-in and pay-out obligations in respect of transactions, if any, which have taken place before the close of trading on the date of this order.
34.4 The Depositories are directed to ensure, that they neither permit any debits nor any credits in the demat accounts held by (a) Capitalaim; (b) Mr. Abhijeet Bajpai either individually or jointly; (c) Mr. Anant Tiwari either individually or jointly; (d) Mr. DebabrataBhattacharjee either individually or jointly; (e) Ms. SheetalFoujdar either individually or jointly; and (f) Ms. AbhilashaVerma either individually orjointly;
34.5 The Registrar and Transfer Agents are directed to ensure, that they neither permit any transfer nor redemption of the securities, including Mutual Funds units, held by (a) Capitalaim;(b)Mr.AbhijeetBajpaieitherindividuallyorjointly;(c)Mr.AnantTiwari either individually or jointly; (d) Mr. DebabrataBhattacharjee either individually or jointly; (e) Ms. SheetalFoujdar either individually or jointly; and (f) Ms. AbhilashaVerma either individually orjointly.
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